Posted on 12/30/2022

Winter driving means you need to take extra precautions to stay safe. Here are some winter driving tips to keep in mind: Keep your vehicle in good condition. Make sure your vehicle is in good mechanical condition before the winter season starts. Keep the gas tank at least half full to help prevent the fuel line from freezing. Check your tires to ensure they are properly inflated and have sufficient tread. Consider using winter tires, which are specifically designed for cold weather and provide better traction on ice and snow. Clear snow and ice from your vehicle. Before you start driving, clear all snow and ice from your vehicle, including the hood, roof, windows, and lights. This will help you see better and ensure that other drivers can see you. Keep a safe distance from other vehicles. Maintain a safe distance from other vehicles, particularly when driving on icy or slippery roads. It takes longer to stop on slippery roads, so you need to allow for more space between your vehicl ... read more